Of all the questions you should ask yourself when doing something, “why?” stands out high above the others. If you don’t have a clear answer for why you do something, then you may be doing the wrong thing, for the wrong reasons, or even if that’s not the case, you will likely lose motivation in the process. You need to understand the why, the purpose, the reason for anything and everything you do.
When you understand why you do something, whether it is why you work, why you exercise, why you spend time with loved ones, why you get up every morning, etc. everything suddenly becomes easier. You are filled with a powerful energy that comes from within that pushes you towards doing whatever it is you need to do.
Start by asking yourself this question every day. Make a list of the reasons why you do the things you do on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Take the time to read this list often and understand deep within you the motivation behind your actions. You will soon find yourself moved towards your goals by a silent but powerful force.