You have probably heard before how our thoughts and beliefs influence our behavior in ways most of us are rarely aware of, at least at a conscious level. When it comes to your finances, have you ever considered how your beliefs about money have affected your financial success? It would be naive of us to think it hasn’t had an impact. The problem is that most of our deepest beliefs about anything have been imprinted on us at an early age.
The first step to rising above your unconscious beliefs about money is to be aware of what those beliefs are in the first place. What do you remember learning about money from your parents, teachers and other adults in your life? What did you observe as a child about money in your family, movies, TV shows or the Internet? You may have unconsciously learned that money was bad or the source of problems, or that money was the most important thing in this world, or that money was abundant or scarce.
Once you start becoming aware of those unconscious beliefs, it is time to start reframing them into more useful and positive beliefs about money: Money is not infinite, but it is not scarce. Money is not something to be afraid of. Having a lot of money is not a bad thing, but it is also not the most important thing in the world. Money is a tool, an instrument. It can be used for great good, or wasted in selfish pursuits.
Money has some interesting properties too: It comes and goes. When you let go of money for selfless reasons, it always finds a way to come back. When you spend money, you make more of it. When you stop chasing it and focus on your purpose, it finds you.
So change your beliefs about money, and you will find it easier to attract and identify opportunities to earn more of it.